Chapter 3: Project Phases

After creating a project, you need to divide it into different phases or milestones. These phases help in organizing and tracking the progress of the project. Each phase represents a significant stage in the project lifecycle and may contain multiple tasks.

Creating Project Phases:

To create a project phase, navigate to the Project Phases tab and click New.

Creating New Phase

Fill in the required fields and click Save.

Phase Details Form

Managing Project Phases:

You can view and manage all the project phases from the Project Phases tab. Click on any phase to view its details and make necessary updates.

Managing Project Phases

Linking Phases with Tasks:

Each phase can contain multiple tasks. To link tasks to a phase, go to the Project Tasks tab and assign the tasks to the relevant phase.

Linking Phases with Tasks

Tracking Phase Progress:

You can track the progress of each phase by monitoring the completion status of its associated tasks. Use the Gantt Chart and Kanban Board to visualize the progress.

Tracking Phase Progress